Happy Birthday Natalie Portman!

I hope Natalie Portman is enjoying her 36th birthday! But to be honest, this post wasn’t going to be about her birthday at all. You see, I wasn’t actually aware that she was born on June 9 until a couple of hours ago, when I saw a congratulatory post for her on the official Star Wars account on Tumblr. But by happy coincidence, I had already started working on this illustration (which is a depiction of a young Natalie Portman as Mathilda from the 1994 film The Professional) after the girlsportraiture blog put the idea into my head for it yesterday. So I thank them for that!🙂 Anyway, once I realised June 9 was Ms Portman’s birthday I made a big effort to finish this picture as quickly as I could. Therefore, it’s a bit rushed and I’m not that confident in the resemblance, but it was fun to do. And although where I am it’s already June 10, it’s still June 9 in America, where I believe Ms Portman now resides, so I’m happy!😀

Till next time, au revoir, arrivederci and may the force be with you!