“Princess Elycia” Project Updated

The Princess Elycia project is now fully underway! I have just uploaded the first ten strips of this story to this blog, so now you can get a much better picture of what it’s all about. If you are interested in reading them, you can do so by clicking HERE. Otherwise, you can go to the Projects page. Till next time, au revoir, arrivederci and may the force be with you!😆

New Original Music: Vernal Equinox (2019)

This is something different. I’ve decided to start releasing some of my original music on SoundCloud. Admittedly, there is no obvious connection to MoeDimension’s raison  d’être, but there is one: the music I make is generally  inspired by my original characters and stories. Having said that, though,, this first track, titled Vernal Equinox, is just to get the ball rolling. It is a remix of an old track I made for a school project, many years ago. You can listen to it on SoundCloud by clicking HERE, or you can read a bit more about it on the new Music page by clicking HERE. Till next time, au revoir, arrivederci and may the force be with you!😊